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This February Printed fence wrap banner mesh on a roll.

Wholesale Trade Printing | Corflute® Printing

Printed Temp Fence Wrap from $4.55 | February -10% SALE

Television printed banner sets and surrounds

As used on TV, these television banners make the themed set in camera angles.

As used on TV, these television broadcaster banners make the themed set in camera angles. Trailer and advertisement, cheap background photography becomes creative and easy.

Slogan... Your design anytime

As used for Stage, Podcast & Television sets surrounds printed fabric USA... all areas

When you see the set on TV you are familiar with the surrounds, but would you expect it to be a printed fabric backer? We print and supply cheap tv ad sets, prime sets and large 'long shot' fabric printing sets for tv. In partnership with many design firms US it arises from an idea to production very quickly, very cheap to print and can be stored and moved. Printed fabric backers are the newest idea to save the production company cost and give the media buyer the best result. As used by TV set designs and production companies.

So when coverage of the set design industry for television news as well as news graphics design is required, we recommend to all our set team to contact this company. Now, your set can affordably contain large format back photographs and descriptions of active studios and screen, promote logo and landscaping inc graphic representation and theme.

"We now use it for all our scenic... versatile cheap, LOOKS AMAZING on camera... thanks".

New trend... stage and back theme set for your podcasts... Wow!

Use for simple start up webcasts and podcasts to advanced network television news sets and talk shows, we have what your company or client needs. Contact your local designer and show them this.

Design and build using fabric banner walls and surrounds. Flexible, modern, cheaper and much easier to manage.

We work with many leading designers and receive files that can be manipulated for large format banner sign printing machines. Ask our team for assistance any time for the best results.

Set Designer working in Television, Film and Commercials... you need this.

Easy Steps... Select product, Generate custom size, Upload, Pre-flight, Factory.

February Storewide SALE
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Feb -- Custom Work -- Did you know 90% of our work is custom size to your needs? It's easy... Ask us how.

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